Home»Mushrooms»A Beginner’s Guide to Mycology: Discovering the Fungal Kingdom
Most people believe that becoming an amateur mycologist means spending a lot of money on expensive equipment and handbooks. However, that’s not true at all. With no strict rules, anyone can pursue this hobby. All an aspiring researcher needs is a willingness to learn and a few essential items to get started. With these basics covered, beginners can quickly begin foraging, identifying mushrooms, and practicing microscopy.
At Fungushead, we’re dedicated to the cause. We stock exotic and rare mushroom spores for research and provide in-depth educational content, like this beginner’s guide. Future amateur mycologists will learn about:
- Mycology as a science
- The Fungi Kingdom
- Mushroom foraging
- Studying spores
- Tips to get started
Ready? Let’s dive in.
What is Mycology?
Mycology is a branch of biology dedicated to studying fungi in all their fascinating forms. Despite 14,000 identified species, more than 90% of fungi remain undiscovered. While some have no impact on animals and humans, others are either beneficial or harmful. That’s why mycology is essential. Ongoing research allows industries like agriculture, pharmaceuticals, alcohol, food, and others to use and benefit from various species. It also plays a pivotal role in developing treatments for diseases caused by harmful fungi types.
For amateurs, mycology is about having fun and learning through mushroom foraging, field identification, and studying spores. Before diving into these activities, let’s take a quick look at the Fungi Kingdom.
The Fungi Kingdom
The Fungi Kingdom is a group of eukaryotic organisms divided into one subkingdom with seven phyla and ten subphyla. It includes microorganisms like molds and yeast, parasites, symbionts, and mushrooms. Known as the Earth’s decomposers, fungi grow on dead matter, in soil, and on various other substrates. Some species thrive in extreme conditions, from dry deserts and high-salt habitats to aquatic environments.Certain fungi can even survive in space and withstand nuclear, cosmic, and UV radiation.
The Fungi Kingdom is incredibly diverse and omnipresent, with abundant species found worldwide, encompassing varied life cycles, ecologies, and morphologies. Despite everything we know about fungi, the true biodiversity of this kingdom remains an enigma. The 148,000 identified organisms are just a fraction of the estimated up to 3.8 million fungi species exist.
Now let’s look at how mushrooms, mycelia, and mycorrhizae fit into the fungi puzzle.
Mycelia: How Fungi Eat
Most fungi grow hyphae, thread-like structures that form an interconnected network called mycelium. Fungi get nutrients through their mycelia by secreting enzymes to break down organic compounds, which are then absorbed. Mycelia can grow on various surfaces and substrates, like soil, spoiled food, or damp walls. Ever seen what mold looks like? That’s mycelium.
These fungal colonies can be microscopic or span thousands of acres, depending on the species. In most cases, they are vital to plant and soil health and can live for thousands of years.
Mycorrhizae: Friends With Benefits
Mycorrhizae are the symbiotic relationships between photosynthesizing plants and fungi. The plant supplies the fungus with molecular compounds like sugars, while the fungus provides mineral nutrients and water to the plant. Almost all plant species have this mutually beneficial relationship with fungi.
Mushrooms: Fruitful Fruiting Bodies
Some fungi produce fruiting bodies (known as mushrooms or sporocarps) during the sexual phases of their life cycles. Typically, monokaryotic mycelium grows from a single spore that can’t reproduce sexually. When two compatible mycelia join, they form a dikaryotic mycelium capable of producing fruiting bodies. Here’s how:
- A mushroom starts as a tiny nodule or “primordium” within the mycelium.
- It expands into an egg-shaped structure or “button,” wrapped in cottony mycelium called a “universal veil.”
- As the “egg” grows, the universal veil breaks, leaving a cup or “volva” at the stalk’s base or “volval patches” on the cap.
- A “partial veil” covers the gills containing spores on the cap’s underside.
- When the cap grows, the partial veil breaks, sometimes forming a ring (annulus) around the stalk or remnants on the cap’s edge.
- The stipe (stalk) may be centered, lateral, off-center, or absent.
- Gills are covered by a hymenium containing spore-bearing cells; non-gilled mushrooms have the hymenium elsewhere.
3 Fundamentals of Mushroom Foraging
Hunting for mushrooms in nature is a fun, educational, and hands-on way to enjoy mycology as a hobby. Always be eco-conscious and:
- Never over-pick: Avoid picking the smallest or largest mushrooms to protect biodiversity.
- Tread carefully: Avoid breaking trees or shrubbery and disturbing insects and animals.
- Handle mushrooms gently: Do not rip mushrooms from the ground to avoid damaging the mycelium.
Preparation is key for a successful foraging expedition. Here are some additional tips:
- Safety First: Never assume a wild mushroom’s species with certainty, especially as a beginner. Always consult an expert and ensure positive identification before harvesting.
- Pick a Mushroom: Start by choosing one specific mushroom to find. Study its features, natural environment, and potential lookalikes.
- Use the Right Tools: Equip yourself with a magnifying glass, notebook, backpack, basket, paper or wax bags, scissors or knife, headlamp or flashlight, and GPS or local map.
Identifying Mushrooms: 4 Popular Edible Types
Of around 3,000 varieties, only 200 edible fungi species are consumed worldwide. While wild mushrooms grow all around the US, each type has its own growth pattern and habitat.
When it comes to identification, start by understanding the parts of a mushroom. Most fungi fruiting bodies have the following:
- Cap: The umbrella-shaped top of a mushroom sprouting from the stalk.
- Tubes, spines, gills, and ridges: The spore-bearing parts of a mushroom are usually found on the underside of the cap.
- Stalk: The shaft beneath the cap.
- Mycelium: The underground network of roots pushing the mushroom up for spore dispersal.
Identifying mushrooms requires in-depth research, awareness, and understanding. It’s best to start by learning a few at first. Here are four of the easiest types to identify in the US:
1. Morel Mushroom (Morchella esculenta)
Known for their honeycomb-like cap and rich flavor.
- Size: 1–12 inches.
- Habitat: Moist, sunny areas near waterways and damp forests.
- Region: Throughout North America.
- Season: Spring.
- Cap: Brown, oval or cone-shaped with a honeycomb texture.
- Stalk: Wide, cream-colored, and hollow.
- Precautions: Always cook thoroughly; avoid false morels.
2. Chanterelle Mushroom (Cantharellus cibarius)
Known for their peppery flavor and fruity sweetness.
- Size: 3–5 inches tall.
- Habitat: Slightly damp, open forest areas.
- Region: Eastern and western states, California, and Alaska.
- Season: Late Spring to early Fall.
- Cap: Yellow to deep ochre-orange with wavy edges.
- Stalk: Golden yellow to orange with a fleshy texture.
- Precautions: Inspect for bugs; avoid lookalikes like Jack-o-Lantern mushrooms.
3. Porcini Mushroom (Boletus edulis)
Known for their rich, nutty flavor.
- Size: 2 inches to a foot tall.
- Habitat: Moist, semi-sunny forest areas.
- Region: Throughout North America.
- Season: Fall to late Spring.
- Cap: Yellowish-brown, domed, and smooth.
- Stalk: Thick and meaty with a reticulation pattern.
- Precautions: Avoid older mushrooms prone to pests; check for color changes after cutting.
4. Chicken of the Woods Mushroom (Laetiporus sulphureus)
Known for its chicken-like taste and texture.
- Size: 2–10 inches wide.
- Habitat: Dead or dying trees.
- Region: Eastern North America.
- Season: Late Summer to Fall.
- Cap: Whitish-yellow to peachy-orange with wavy edges.
- Stalk: Grows in layers; soft when young, brittle when mature.
- Precautions: Cook before eating; avoid if found on poisonous trees.
Microscopy and Mushroom Spores
Mushroom spores are a crucial taxonomic characteristic of fungi. Their shape, size, color, and other traits are often essential for identification. Here’s how to harvest, store, and study them:
Harvesting Spores With a Spore Print
- Preparation: Gather a knife, eye-dropper, white paper, and a glass container with a lid.
- Procedure: Remove the stem, place the cap gills down on the paper, add water drops, and cover with the container for 24 hours.
- Storage: Label and store the spore print in a sterilized, sealed bag, kept cool and dry.
Storing Spores and Spore Syringes
- Spore Syringes: Preferred for their sterility and lab-grade quality.
- After Use: Sterilize the syringe, close it properly, store in a sanitized, resealable bag, and refrigerate.
Exploring Spores
- Microscopy: Use a light microscope with 10X to 1,000X magnification, sterile slides, cover slips, and lens paper.
- Advanced Tools: Include an oil-immersion lens, an ocular micrometer, and a focus dial for detailed analysis.
Thanks to advances in microscopy, new mycological breakthroughs occur regularly. Studying spores isn’t only fascinating but fun and exciting too.
5 Tips to Start Mycology as a Hobby
We’ve provided a rundown on mycology, foraging, and spore analysis, so now it’s time to spring into action. Here are some tips to get started:
- Set Up a Home Lab: Start with basic equipment like a microscope, slides, and a journal.
- Stock Up on Rare Spores: Acquire unique spores to grow your collection and trade with others.
- Collect Spore Prints and Spore Syringes: Label and store specimens safely; keep track of observations.
- Practice Field Identification: Go foraging, document finds, and ensure proper identification.
- Never Stop Learning: Join mushroom hunting groups or online forums; utilize resources like Mushroom Observer and MYCOLOGOS.
The Journey Awaits
Amateur mycology encompasses studying fungi, mushroom foraging, and exploring spores under a microscope. It requires effort, patience, and some equipment but is incredibly rewarding. The learning curve is ongoing, with new discoveries always around the corner. Beginners can start with expert guidance or buy spores to begin their microscopy adventures immediately. Whatever path you choose, the journey awaits.
All content and images on our site are for informational reference only. The cultivation of psilocybin mushrooms is federally illegal in the United States. We do not promote the cultivation of psilocybin “magic” mushrooms under any circumstances. Do not contact us asking for advice related to this subject. Any products found on this site are for microscopy and taxonomy purposes only. None of the psilocybin mushroom spores we offer are for consumption or cultivation. We do not sell any products containing psilocybin.